Remove Vista Guardian

>> Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to get rid of Vista Guardian completely? I gaveVista Guardian a trial a few months ago. But all I can say is that it was actually light on resources and had an easy to use guide, and the most favorable comment I can make is that it is not so easy Vista Guardian from your computer.
If due to any reason you want to remove Vista Guardian you can follow the below methods:

Method 1 Free but you may not conduct a clean Vista Guardian removal by this method
Note that before you conduct this un-installation, please shut down all programs. And Uninstalling Vista Guardian in Windows NT/2000/XP requires administrative privilege.
Step 1 Click UninstallVista Guardian from Start-Programs-Quick Heal group.
Step 2 Vista Guardian Uninstaller will prompt for the deletion of Reports, and then proceed by pressing OK.
Step 3 Uninstaller at last will prompt you to restart your system for changes to take effect

Method 2 A quick and safe way to completely uninstall and remove Vista Guardian program in seconds
If you are unable to uninstall Vista Guardian from your computer by using method as stated above, then you can try to download an automate removal tool to help you.
There is actually a fantastic removal tool that can help you fully uninstall and removeVista Guardian with great success and make sure all the now-defunct Registry entries and related files are eliminated automatically with a few clicks. Aside from this software, it can also completely remove other programs like Authentium, Norton, Trend Micro, Internet Explorer, or Microsoft Office, and similar programs.

A highly recommended tool to remove Vista Guardian is RegistryQuick which is available for free at Before you try other programs, give RegistryQuick a try! You will be surprised!
You can easily get rid of Vista Guardian by clicking


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