Five Fights You Can Not the Winner
>> Thursday, May 27, 2010
Everybody has an opinion and that is a fact. Sensitive subjects like politics, religion, fashion or simply perspectives can spark a lively discussion. Who are we fooling here; they can start an argument every time. Now these are not the only topics that are touchy, but it’s a start. We will look at five (5) fights that you will never win, no mate how hard you try.
Views on politics are extremely touchy. I like this public figure, you like that one. I support this legislation and you don’t. If we were to get on the subject, it wouldn’t be long before the sparks flew. Fights about politics can never be won by either party. Why? Because both parties are going to hold to their position fiercely and will not be swayed. Therefore fights about politics will never be won and will end in a draw every single time. Don’t go there.
The same holds true for religious issues. This is a particularly sensitive topic and can cause a riff that will never be healed. At least for a long time anyway. You believe in God, I do not. The Bible is a factual book or a work of fiction? Either way, it is important to respect each other’s opinion and leave it at that. Trying to make someone see your way of thinking will only serve to alienate them further, so avoid this one, too.
Now we come to some fights that relate to relationships. Guys, let me tell you, it is the hardest thing in the world to keep peace with the little woman. The same may be said of some men as well (being objective!). I have found that there are at least three fights with your significant other that you cannot, will not and shall not EVER win.
The first of these is about her style and taste. When she asks you how her shoes, hair or jeans look, just tell her they are great. Even if you don’t think so. I know this seems like lying, but it’s more a case of keeping peace in your life because if you tell her she looks like crap, there will be blood; YOUR blood.
This is one of those fights that you can not only not win, but you could really hurt her feelings as well. Don’t do it. Please.
Then there are the issues of her circle of friends and her ex-boyfriends. When it comes to her friends, it is best to be entirely neutral and let her handle those. Under no circumstances do you ever comment that one of them is nice looking or has a personality flaw. It will not be well received in either situation. With the ex-bf’s, believe me, she KNOWS the mistakes she’s made and she STILL chose you. Don’t remind her of past relationship blunders. You cannot ever win either of these fights and IF you still want to reap the “benefits” of the relationship (wink,wink), don’t go to that place.
Now we have the penultimate fight that you cannot win with your mate-MONEY! Fights about money or finances have a way of returning at the worst possible time. It is better to sit down and discuss the options than it is to blame the other for the trouble. Discuss your money; don’t debate who did what because, guess what!, YOU CAN’T WIN THAT FIGHT!
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